Sensex, Nifty updates on October 23, 2024: Indian equity benchmarks closed marginally lower on Wednesday after a volatile trading session, with the BSE Sensex declining 138.74 points or 0.17 per cent to 80,081.98, while the NSE Nifty 50 fell 36.60 points or 0.15 per cent to close at 24,435.50. Bajaj Finance led the gainers, surging 4.90 per cent, followed by Tech Mahindra at 2.14 per cent, Tata Consumer Products at 1.78 per cent, Bajaj Auto at 1.75 per cent, and HDFC Bank at 1.26 per cent. On the flip side, M&M was the top loser, falling 3.22 per cent, followed by Sun Pharma (-2.69 per cent), Eicher Motors (-2.07 per cent), Shriram Finance (-1.86 per cent), and Power Grid (-1.84 per cent).